Olive Hue is a boutique stationery studio started by Jane Jeon and formed out of love for the arts. In an age of emails, texts, and all things digital, we are on a mission to revive the lost art of written communication. Inspired by the outdoors, organic materials, illustrative linework, patterns, calligraphy, and fresh colors, Olive Hue provides delightful bespoke stationery to fit all occasions!


Love Actually

Ever since I saw this movie, its been on the top of my movie list. It's one of my favorite holiday love story. I especially love the wedding between Kiera Knightly and her man...mostly because of the surprise his best man sets up for his Knightly...ok, so that part of the movie is a little wierd b/c she's a married woman and he's in love with her, but whatever, it makes the story.

But my favorite....most favorite from this film is the music. I love it so much, I used the Glasgow love theme as my entrance for the bridesmaids and me during the walk down the aisle. I love the song so much, I'm playing it as I'm writing this post!

H E R E is the link to the youtube montage + music.

This song is so romantic and perfect for the walk down the aisle, if you don't like the more traditional stuff.

Mr. Bean's in the movie too!!

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